pason login
We are proving the “pason login” List here the other most useful links which give more information.
Pason’s DataHub is the central repository for data and reports captured at the rig. It includes a suite of applications for monitoring operations and assessing performance from anywhere in the world.
Pason transforms data into intelligence-creating smarter drilling. Our drilling data solutions allow users to collect, manage, report, and analyze data in order to optimize performance.
Single Sign–On.
Use Pason Live to access your well information: • Access real-time well information securely via 1-second updates • Display a list of all your active wells with drilled depth for each well
Sign in to Parsons’ global-protect portal to securely access the network and various resources with your email or PIV/CAC card.
Experience the industry’s best standard of care with Pason. Our integrated service approach enables you to receive the most immediate, preferred, and direct assistance every time, at any location, in every time zone, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
View your financial dashboard, documents, reports, budgeting tools and more, all from your mobile device. For Android For Apple.
Pason Live is an app that lets you access your well information securely and customize your data view. You can also view memos, send memos to the rig, and see survey table with the app.
Pason is the leading global provider of specialized data management systems for land-based and offshore rigs worldwide. Our rental solutions, which include data acquisition, wellsite reporting …
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